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Migration to FastStream

Propan project is superceeded by FastStream.

FastStream is a new package based on the ideas and experiences gained from FastKafka and Propan. By joining our forces, we picked up the best from both packages and created a unified way to write services capable of processing streamed data regardless of the underlying protocol.

I’ll continue to maintain Propan package, but new development will be in FastStream. If you are starting a new service, FastStream is the recommended way to do it.

For now FastStream supports Kafka and RabbitMQ. Other brokers support will be added in a few months.


Your current Propan application should work with the FastStream as well. You just need to change a few lines of code:

  • Replace your PropanApp instance with FastStream one
  • replace all @broker.hanler(...) usages to @broker.subscriber(...)
  • change broker imports to fasttream.rabbit, faststream.kafka, e.t.c.

Also, if you are using RPC-supporting brokers, you should mv all broker.publish(..., callback=True) calls to broker.publish(..., rpc=True).

And so the job is done! Your Propan application was migrated to the FastStream!

Removed features

Unfortunately, during the development of FastStream, some features were removed, namely:

  • template generation
  • Kafka-RPC (and SQS in future) requests

Now the project templates will be implemented in a separate repository and distributed via cookiecutter.

In the case of RPC requests, it was a mistake to claim that we would be able to support their implementation through a unified syntax. Support for RPC in brokers that were not designed for such functionality (for example, Kafka and SQS) was implemented in a poorly scalable way, and the high-level syntax hid implementation flaws from the user. Now you will have to implement this functionality yourself, but in the documentation, you will find a detailed guide on how to do it.

Added Features

FastStream contains many additional features. Here is a short list of them:

Multiple subscription

Now you can subscribe one function to many different message sources

async def handler(msg): ...

Application level filters

You can declare multiple handlers for your message flow and determine which one to use right at the application level

    filter=lambda msg: msg.content_type == "application/json",
async def json_handler(msg): ...

async def default_handler(msg): ...

Structured publishers

FastStream contains a fundamentally new decorator - @broker.publisher(...), which allows you to describe your services as structured stages of message processing, as well as display outgoing flows in the AsyncAPI schema

async def handler(msg): ...

And also:

  • new testing features (testable lifespans, publisher and subscriber mock objects)
  • better customization: decoders, new middleware
  • better AsyncAPI support
  • performance improvement

But the most important difference is that now there is a whole AirtAI team behind the framework (and me), so you will get the best support and maintenance of the framework!