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How to help

You will be of invaluable help if you contribute to the documentation.

Such a contribution can be:

  • Indications of inaccuracies, errors, typos
  • Suggestions for editing individual sections
  • Making additions

You can report all this in [discussions] ( ) on GitHub, start issue, or write about it in our telegram the group.


Special thanks to those who are ready to offer help with the case and help in ** developing documentation , as well as translating it into ** other languages.

How to get started

To develop the documentation, you don't even need to install the entire Propan project as a whole.


  1. Clone the project repository
  2. Go to the docs/ directory
  3. Create a virtual environment
    python -m venv venv
  4. Activate it
    source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install documentation dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Start the local documentation server
    mkdocs serve

Now all changes in the documentation files will be reflected on your local version of the site. After making all the changes, you can issue a PR with them - and I will gladly accept it!