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Redis Publishing

To send messages, RedisBroker also uses the unified publish method.

import asyncio
from propan import RedisBroker

async def pub():
    async with RedisBroker() as broker:
        await broker.publish("Hi!", channel="test")

Basic arguments

The publish method accepts the following arguments:

  • message: bytes | str | dict | Sequence[Any] | pydantic.BaseModel - message to send
  • channel: str = "" - channel to which the message will be sent.

Message Parameters

Redis by default sends a message in the form of raw bytes'. So **Propan** uses its own message transmission format: when calling thepublish` method, json is sent to Redis with the following fields:

    "data": "",
    "headers": {},
    "reply_to": ""

Independently, you can set and use the headers of the sent message within your application (the content-type is automatically set there, according to which Propan determines how to decode the received message)

  • headers: dict[str, Any] | None = None - headers of the message being sent (used by consumers)

If Propan receives a message sent using another library or framework (or just a message in a different format), the entire body of this message will be perceived as the data field of the received message, and the content-type will be recognized automatically.

At the same time, RPC requests will not work, since there is no reply_to field in the incoming message.

RPC arguments

Also publish supports common arguments for making RPC requests:

  • reply_to: str = "" - which channel to send the response to (used for asynchronous RPC requests)
  • callback: bool = False - whether to expect a response to the message
  • callback_timeout: float | None = 30.0 - timeout waiting for a response. In the case of None - waits indefinitely
  • raise_timeout: bool = False
    • False - return None in case of timeout
    • True - error TimeoutError in case of timeout